Baby MPS File last modified: 11/10/2024 05:26 (35,662 records)
The Baby MPS file will contain name and address, we will not be providing cancelled names, only active suppression data.
There are two data file formats - Fixed format and Ascii Comma Delimited.
The file layouts are illustrated below.
Position | Length | Content |
1 - 8 | 8 | Expected Arrival Date of Baby (ddmmccyy) |
9 - 16 | 8 | Date and Time of Registration (ddmmccyy) |
17 - 31 | 15 | Prefix |
32 - 56 | 25 | Forename / Initials |
57 - 81 | 25 | Surname |
82 - 113 | 32 | Address Line 1 |
114 - 145 | 32 | Address Line 2 |
146 - 177 | 32 | Address Line 3 |
178 - 209 | 32 | Town |
210 - 241 | 32 | County |
242 - 249 | 8 | Postcode |
Media Types
SFTP Access - For more information: click here
The full database can also be downloaded via SFTP. If you have subscribed to receive the full downloads, you can follow the instructions below to download the MPS database in compressed or uncompressed format, Fixed or Comma Delimited.
Subdirectory | Filenames | Description |
/bmps |
bmps_fxd.dat | Full uncompressed baby MPS database in fixed format. | | Full compressed baby MPS database in fixed format | |
bmps_csv.dat | Full uncompressed baby MPS database in comma delimited format. | | | Full compressed baby MPS database in comma delimited format. |